/ɡeɪmz/ • noun

an activity that one engages in for amusement or fun.

"the kids were playing a game"

Exactly 2 results (0.77 seconds) › videogame › Wait & Bleed (working title)
Wait & Bleed (working title) - Videogame
A turn-based MOBA game about the confrontation between AI and Yokai. It is set in an eclectic world comprising elements of Japan in various historical periods. There are multiple modes of play, including the one derived from the classic MOBA genre. › tabletop › B2B AI SaaS
B2B AI SaaS - Tabletop game
A dynamic and funny game for a company of 3 to 12 people. Your goal is to join a startup and build a successful product without going bankrupt. Each player has their own role and hidden objectives.